Submit a story

Send Your Story To the AsTheRavenDreams Podcast!

Please include a Tag In The Title If Possible (Paranormal, Glitch, Stalker, Crazy Ex, Etc.)

All stories submitted to the ATRD Podcast MUST be your stories, or stories of others sent WITH PERMISSIONS. All Stories are subject to slight modifications for language, grammar issues, typos, etc, though I will not change the content of your stories. I do my best to get to all stories ASAP, but please know that it can take weeks for your story to come up. I will tag your story as "By" anything you put in the author box (with obvious exceptions), so if you don't want your name on the screen or in the description, please put something else. Examples: R. Adams, Raven A., R.A. Or a nickname, like AsTheRavenDreams. You can also put Anonymous if you'd prefer to have it marked as such. Please try to include as much detail as possible, and note that a 150 word story will be narrated in approximately 1 minutes. I read at about 2.6 to 2.7 Words per second, which may help you to figure out if your story is long enough for a full narration. I don't typically reject stories, but I reserve the right to do so. Finally- Submitting your story gives me the rights to use and re-use it as I see fit, but I WILL NOT Claim that it's my story (I will always include attribution), and I WILL NOT expect or require any sort of exclusivity. You will ALWAYS own your story and you are free to do with it as you please, I just retain rights to my use of your story.

What's your story?